Possessing quality skin care products is insufficient: Applying your items in the right order is also essential for maximum effectiveness. Your skin type, the components and formulas of your products, and the time of day will all affect your regimen. Though thinner products won’t be able to penetrate thicker ones, it’s a good idea to apply in textural order, thinnest to thickest.

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The Ideal Nine-Step Skincare Program

Applying products in the proper order is the one thing that anybody can do to enhance their skincare, regardless of whether they follow a three- or nine-step regimen. Whatever your skin issues, you should start with a toned and clean base, work your way up to concentrated active ingredients, and lock in moisture (and SPF, of course, throughout the day). The steps to a proper skincare routine are as follows:

1. Give yourself a facial wash.

Rinse your face with water in the morning and evening, then gently massage a tiny quantity of cleanser between your clean palms. Apply little pressure while massaging face wash over your entire face. Rinse your hands and massage your face with water until all of the dirt and cleanser has been gone. Using a gentle cloth, gently pat dry your face. You might need to wash your skin twice at night if you use makeup. Use micellar water or washing oil to first remove your makeup. To make it easier to remove makeup and prevent rubbing your eyes, try using specialized eye makeup removers for a few minutes. Do a mild full-face cleansing afterward.

2. Use a toner.

Use toner (if using) just after washing your face and before doing anything else. Using a cotton pad or your hands, lightly swipe a few drops of toner onto your face. Use your toner exclusively at night if it contains glycolic acid or other exfoliating chemicals that exfoliate dead skin cells. You can apply hydrating solutions twice a day. Retinoids or other exfoliators should not be used in conjunction with exfoliating toner.

3. Use a serum.

Antioxidant serums, such as vitamin C serums that brighten skin, are excellent to apply in the morning since they shield your skin from free radical damage that occurs during the day. If you use anti-aging or acne treatments that can irritate and dry up your skin, now is a good time to apply a moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid to prevent your skin from drying out at night. Additionally, exfoliants like lactic acid or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) can be found in serums. Whatever you use, never forget this: Oil-based serums should be used after moisturizer, while water-based serums should be applied beneath.

4. Use an eye cream.

Your under-eye region may be moisturized with ordinary moisturizer, but if you choose to use an eye cream, you should usually layer it below moisturizer because eye creams are often thinner than face moisturizers. To combat puffiness in the morning, try putting an eye cream with a metal roller-ball applicator in the refrigerator. Hydrating eye cream usage at night may result in fluid retention, giving the appearance of puffy eyes in the morning.

5. Apply localized care.

Applying spot treatments for acne at night, when your body is repairing itself, is a smart option. Retinol can irritate skin, so take caution when combining acne-fighting substances like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide with it. Instead, be sure you’re taking all the necessary steps to maintain moisturized and tranquil skin.

6. Apply moisture.

In addition to hydrating skin, moisturizer seals in all the other product layers you’ve put on. For morning use, look for a light-textured lotion with an SPF of 30 or above. You can apply a heavier night cream in the evening. Dry skin types might wish to apply a cream both at night and in the morning.

7. Use retinoid.

By accelerating skin-cell turnover, retinoids—vitamin A derivatives that include retinol—may minimize fine wrinkles, dark spots, and breakouts. However, they can also irritate the skin, particularly sensitive skin. If you take retinoids, use them exclusively at night since they degrade in the sun. Additionally, they increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, therefore sunscreen is essential.

8. Use oil on your face.

If you use a facial oil, apply it last since nothing else will be able to get through the oil and affect your skin.

9. Put on some sunblock.

Although it may come last, almost all dermatologists would agree that the most crucial element of any skin-care routine is protecting your skin from the sun. Ageing and skin cancer can be avoided by shielding your skin from UV radiation. You must use sunscreen even if the SPF in your moisturizer is absent. To ensure that chemical sunscreen is still effective, wait 20 minutes before venturing outside. Seek for sunscreen with broad-spectrum SPF, which offers protection against UVA and UVB rays.

Additional Advice and Pointers

It could be necessary for you to find out how to switch up the items in your skincare routine in order to prevent irritating your skin. When layering or switching your skincare routines, keep the following in mind:

Avoid using retinol together with AHAs or BHAs: To prevent irritating your skin, think about switching between serums and retinol every one to two days if you wish to use both. Retinol can induce dryness and irritation when used with beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), such as salicylic acid, and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic or lactic acid.

Several times a week, exfoliate your skin with mild chemical exfoliators, such as cleansers, serums, peels, or toners. It is normally OK to use serums containing exfoliating chemicals once a night. However, you should refrain from combining stronger exfoliating treatments, such as peels, toners, or cleansers, with your regular skincare serums and treatments. Combing can strip your skin and cause irritation.

Replace with a face mask: You can apply a face mask a few times a week to help hydrate dry skin or reduce oil production after cleaning and toning at night. Avoid using additional serums, treatments, or retinol following a facemask because these products frequently include active chemicals. Instead, after washing, use a moisturizer to lock everything in.

A Brief Recap

A skincare regimen serves to nourish, cleanse, and shield your skin from the sun. Your morning skincare regimen should ideally consist of a mild cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. You can moisturize and cleanse at night. You may then add skin-type-appropriate oils, retinol, treatments, serums, and toners. For assistance in selecting the best skincare products for you, consult a dermatologist who has earned board certification.